Visa/Residence permit information
For students from countries outside the European Union
Students from countries outside the European Union must obtain a Type
D student visa (Visado D Estudiante - Abierto) before leaving your
country. Students can apply for a visa through the nearest Spanish
Embassy or Consulat. The entire process can take up to 4-6 weeks. Additional
visas are Type-C Schengen Visa which allow travelling within the Schengen area
for 3 monts and a hybryd Type C+D.
Students from countries outside the European Union must obtain a D5
student visa. The D5 is a multiple entry student visa,
which entitles students to enter and leave Hungary as many times as you want
until it is valid.
Students from coutries outside the European Union must obtain visa D (for 6 months). The entire process can take up to 4 weeks. For longer stay period students should apply for Temporary residence permit at the same time. Students can apply for a visa through the nearest Lithuania Embassy or Consulat.
Students from countries outside the European
Union must obtain a visa before leaving their country. Students may apply for a
visa through the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulat and must provide documents
declaring the purpose and duration of their stay in Italy. Further information
is available in the website of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.