About Us

Increasing role of regions in the European Union, Health problems transcending national borders  and the ongoing debate on active citizenship, invites essential  to contribution to regional development agendas that help achieve the goals of the Lisbon agenda (growth, employment, competitiveness) while protecting the environment, strengthening social cohesion and promoting a high level of health among population.

The academic activity in Health Management is already highly sophisticated and a number of courses have similar philosophies and modules. However most programmes do not consider policy issues such as the socio economic situation of each country, and non of them approaches the topic of health management and planning on a regional level.

European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems aims to fill the gap in Health Management by approaching the theme of health system management and planning on a regional level.  This Master promotes the benchmarking of the different health system models helping to construct the comprehensive health system management and planning, including both, health care and promotion, as well as the interrelation between health and socio-economic areas. It aims to spread out the European model of health promotion and health planning, sustainability and the role of health system in social cohesion and strengthening of social capital.